Farmer Spotlight
Amanda Jeronimo Morales
San Isidro
Amanda Jeronimo Morales is 48 years old. She and her husband, Jacinto, began growing coffee in 1990. Before that, they worked as farmhands on other people’s land. They grew up in a small town in the mountains of Huehuetenango.
Land is expensive in Guatemala, but with a bank loan they were able to buy some land, plant coffee, and with the profits, they have bought more land. Today, Amanda has two acres of land that is entirely planted in coffee, and Jacinto has three acres.
As a mother of eight children she is very busy, but she likes growing coffee. She is committed to growing it organically because it’s better for the environment and everyone’s health. Amanda only grows organic coffee and sells it all to F2F. This year she sold us 3,000 pounds. Farmer to Farmer pays above fair market prices, and Amanda is happy for the better price she gets from us. This year she received 30% more than she would have if she’d sold to any other business.